I am thankful for:

  • My students, who I learn from every class.
  • The many Sensei I train with who push me to improve.
  • Other kendoka who train with me, allowing me to demonstrate my strengths while they point out my weaknesses.
  • The parents of my junior students, who bring them through rain, sleet, snow and hail (well, most of the time) because they know Kendo’s good for their kids.
  • My wife and family, who go without me far more than they probably deserve, but who know how important it is for me to teach and train.
  • The managers at our training facilities – the Welland Martial Arts Centre (Welland) and St. Andrew’s United Church (St. Catharines), both of whom have been generous with their efforts to help get the club started and keep it going.
  • The ability to share Kendo with so many.

I give a lot for Kendo, but I get so much in return. Thank you to all who make it possible for me to do what I do in my Kendo life.