
Bogu Carrier – Prototype 1

Well, the bogu carrier has had its first run. Here are the pictures and some responses to some questions. 1) How does it handle in the wind? I have no idea. It wasn’t windy when I rode it last Saturday morning to practice. However, it sits right behind me so I...

What Did Einstein* Say?

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” This quote is often attributed to Albert Einstein.* Every day we live, we are faced with a singular challenge: how will I become better today? What can you do to become...

Kendo Road Trip – The Big Dream

I have a dream . . . to travel by motorcycle across North America, visiting as many dojos as I can along the way. I’ve talked about this with my indescribably awesome wife and she’s said she’s fine with the idea, so – wow – time to start...

Should you push to win in tournament?

We played the Canadian Women’s Team at the U of T Tournament last weekend. In one of the matches, our biggest, tallest player was matched up against the smallest player on the women’s team. She stepped out of bounds once. If he’d played a more...

Who’s your best friend?

“Knock me and I’ll just get up again Stronger, wiser The adversary will now become my friend” From ‘Stir it Up’ by Howard Jones Yes, you poor souls who’ve had to drive with me long distances listening to my 80’s electronic-pop mix...