
Valentine’s Day Practice

The Hayakawa Kendo Club will be holding practice as usual this evening. I know a few people will be away to celebrate Valentine’s Day. I feel like sharing some perspectives on Valentine’s Day. These relate to other holidays as well, so don’t feel...

Rush had it right

From the point of ignition To the final drive The point of a journey Is not to arrive Anything can happen… And that’s Kendo training, in a nutshell.

Summer Schedule – RSVP Required

Due to summer vacations etc., it is reminded to all students who don’t have a “set” schedule to let me know they’re coming to class. If I don’t get a notification at least 1.5 hours prior to class, don’t assume there will be one : )...

Victoria Day Weekend 2012

There will be no class on Saturday, May 19th. It’s the Victoria Day long weekend, but that’s not the reason we’re not having class. The reason is that I’ll be on my M2 motorcycle course. And, of course, asking an instructor from another club to...